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Deli Push Pin, Deli78550, Pack of 100 > 사무용품

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Deli Push Pin, Deli78550, Pack of 100

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

원산지 일본
브랜드 deli
모델 B07W3LZXQ6 현지재고확인
판매가격 8,800원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
  • Deli Push Pin, Deli78550, Pack of 100
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    원본상품명 : Deli Push Pin, Deli78550, Pack of 100

    재고 상황 : 나머지 9 개 주문은 서둘러

    Deli is top 1 office and school stationery brand group, originated and manufactured in China. Deli has the largest stationery production center in Asia (750,000㎡ manufacturing plant, with more than 19,000 global staff). our journey started from 1988 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province as a desk organizer tooling and injection factory, then extend our category to cutting, stapling, filing, binding, writing, boarding, adhesive, machines, school stationery, and step into smart office, office digital and create toy category in 2018. As our category development, we found group company in 1997, expand and succeed in China. Deli company vision is trying to be a very reliable and respectable global brand. The brand value is to sever global consumers with affordable good quality products! and offer 1 stop solution for everyone in work and study.

     모델 번호를 입력하십시오 이것이 맞는지 확인 :  

    Colour : Transparent and Rose Gold

    Packing : 100pcs, Size : 85mm * 60mm * 43mm, Weight : 91.3g

    Single item size : 20mm

    Deli Push Pin,Deli78550,Pack of 100

    Deli Push Pin,Deli78550,Pack of 100

    Deli Push Pin,Deli78550,Pack of 100

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