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R & G (아르 디안) 배기 프로텍터 블랙 YZF-R6 (17-10) RG-EP0033BK > 오토바이

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R & G (아르 디안) 배기 프로텍터 블랙 YZF-R6 (17-10) RG-EP0033BK

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

원산지 일본
브랜드 R & G (아르 디안)
모델 B07FBFNY47 현지재고확인
판매가격 126,500원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
  • R & G (아르 디안) 배기 프로텍터 블랙 YZF-R6 (17-10) RG-EP0033BK
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    상품 상세설명

    원본상품명 : R & G (아르 디안) 배기 프로텍터 블랙 YZF-R6 (17-10) RG-EP0033BK

    재고 상황 : 나머지 1 점 (입고 예정 있음)

    Exhaust Protector for Yamaha YZF-R6 '17 (EP0033BK) Should you drop or crash your bike, your exhaust silencer is likely to be scraped / damaged - however, an R & G exhaust protector can protect these otherwise exposed and expensive components from damage. Easily to install, an R & G exhaust Protector is held securely in place thanks to its incorporated jubilee style clip, the inclusion of a silicone strip / band ensures the exhaust is kept in perfect condition and is not marked during installation / its lifetime on the exhaust.

    배기 보호대

    YAMAHA YZF-R6 (17-10)


    R&G(アールアンドジー) エキゾーストプロテクター ブラック YZF-R6(17-) RG-EP0033BK

    R&G(アールアンドジー) エキゾーストプロテクター ブラック YZF-R6(17-) RG-EP0033BK

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