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HAZARD4 (해저드 4) Plan-b MultiCam > 스포츠

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HAZARD4 (해저드 4) Plan-b MultiCam

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

원산지 일본
브랜드 HAZARD4 (해저드 4)
모델 B007BRF0QY 현지재고확인
판매가격 285,900원
배송비결제 주문시 결제
  • HAZARD4 (해저드 4) Plan-b MultiCam
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    상품 상세설명

    원본상품명 : HAZARD4(ハザ?ド4) Plan-b MultiCam
    상품명 : HAZARD4 (해저드 4) Plan-b MultiCam
    재고 상황 : 보통 1 ~ 2 개월 이내에 발송합니다.

    PMC 운영자들이 애용하는 전술 슬링 백. 각부에 화 스텟 스가 붙어있어 착용감을 높일 수 있도록 배려. 뒷면은 하이드 시스템을 삽입 할 수있는 전용 공간이 마련되어 있으며, TOP 부분에 하이드 용과 Radio 코드 용 포트가 각각 설치되어 있습니다. Being jammed in confined spaces for hours is an unfortunate part of the business for many professionals we serve.Whether it 's a military unit in a personnel carrier, a pilot in a cockpit, drivers in a HumVee, or a journalist in the back of a goat truck, they all have to bring their gear, and all may need to`relocate 'in a hurry.This is the environment for which our Evac ™ line of sling-packs has been developed.Slim shaped, for fast maneuvering in crowds, they can be stored in vehicles / lockers, and are quick to take on or off.They are also ambidextrous, and unlike others in this class, are actually comfortable to wear.The main padded strap is cocked at either the right or left lower corner, so the pad aligns ergonomically in the correct body-hugging direction.There is no slack, or gapping away from the body as is typical with similar single shoulder packs.The bag can be rotated to the chest for on-the-go access, and all pockets are designed to face the user in this mode on either the right or left side.This means the user can go from wearing the pack on his back, to driving a vehicle with it on his chest in just a few seconds.One-strap also makes shouldering a long-gun natural - unlike a regular backpack .







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